- Hub of Infrastructure and Logistics Industry in the Pacific Rim Era
- To create the base of convergence industries by formulating high added-value clusters
- To build a new growth belt by expanding logistics and transport infrastructure
- To nurture cutting-edge maritime industries to reach the world-class level by enhancing regional characteristics
- To establish a global economic network by reviving economic blocs across the border
- To enhance residents' quality of life through low carbon green growth
- To strengthen industry-academia-research clusters through convergence
- To build a complex tourism belt in Dongnam Region
- To strengthen agglomeration in Economic Regions through convergence
- To secure new growth engines through infrastructure expansion
- To maximize synergy effects through combined international transportation networks
- To expand infrastructure facilities for strengthened domestic and overseas networking
- To foster regional industries to specialize in maritime and shipbuilding sectors
- To construct a hub space as brain of future maritime industries
- To nurture industries to support globally-recognized high-tech maritime technologies
- To promote market formulation jointly with Fukuoka
- To promote deregulation for the establishment of cross-border economic blocs
- To create regions in both countries which people wish to revisit
- To intensify green technology business in response to climate change
- To obtain a luxury GREEN space
- To nurture low carbon eco-friendly green industries using natural environment
- Gyeongjeon Line double-track subway
- East-west Axis 8 highway
- 2nd hub airport in northeast Asia
- Bridges for marine tourism
- Busan Outer Ring Road
- Transport technology industry
- Convergence components industry
- Changwon National University
- Korea Maritime University
- Pukyung National University
- Pusan National University
※The contents of the plan above have been compiled based on regional materials (Economic Regions development plan), and may not be matching the final version of the plan.